Unit 3: Health of Australians

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: awo at 27/01/2015 1:32:56 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: awo at 5/02/2015 9:17:34 AM

Access 'Australia's Health 2014' publication refer to Figure 1.3 and answer the following questions:

-What is this graph showing?

-Approximately what is Australia's population currently?

-In 2042 what is the predicted population?

-Approximately how many people are 65 years or over currently?

-How many people aged 65 or over are there predicted to be in 2042?

-What will this mean for Australia's health? (Make your own conclusion)

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: awo at 27/01/2015 2:37:02 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: awo at 27/01/2015 2:43:00 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: awo at 9/12/2015 9:09:25 AM

Go to the following website and compare health data from Australia with the other developed countries that are outlined in Chapter 1 of your textbook:

You can then draw your on conclusions about Australias health vs other developed countries.


Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: awo at 9/12/2015 8:57:27 AM


1A) Give 2 examples for each of the following dimensions of health:




(6 marks)

B) Choose 1 dimension of health from part a and explain its meaning 

(2 marks)


2) Explain how 'health adjusted life expectancy' (HALE) differs from 'life expectancy'. (2 marks)


3) Define the term 'burden of disease'. Explain how burden of disease is measured. (3 marks)


4) Outline the difference between mortality and morbidity as measurements of health status. (2 marks)