Introduction : how is our identity created? Mind Map and criteria.

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Identity and Belonging  

CHECK the VOCABULARY at the start of this Learning   bite

Task 1 :Discuss and write about all the influences that have shaped you.

What makes you 'you'?

Task 2 : Create a mind map with your name in the centre – include arrows to

all the influences or in any form you like - SEE a simple EXAMPLE in



Consider the following :

Family - hobbies - appearance - age - gender - groups you belong to

- things you like and don't like - what else? 


 What are your family’s values? What is approved of and 

what is frowned upon? How has your family influenced you? 

Ask a family member to write a brief paragraph about you as a child and,

now as a teenager. 

What changes have they noticed? Which family member do you most look like or take after?

  Are friends more influential now than they were when you were in primary school?    Why?

Write a paragraph about yourself as you think others see you in the present. Write this in the third person – She is tall and often bossy…. (me writing about myself!!!) 

Or ask a friend to write about you. Ask them to be kind and honest.

Include images of favourite music, food, movies, games, fashion, places, sport and other ‘stuff’ that you like.

Include images of the things that you do not like –  boredom, political beliefs,

places, irritating behaviour, some types of food or music...

Pivotal Events :

Consider pivotal events that have changed you or made you aware of who you

really are and what you believe in. This is a tricky one. I realised that life has its pivotal moments when I was a child.

Pivotal events can be small things or big but they make an impact. 

They can be events that don’t happen to you directly but affect you, even world events.


Your achievements - Judo? Scouts? Sport? Winning a competition or

participating in it? 

Being a good friend? What else?


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1. What makes you 'you'?

This may be presented to peers and have peer assessment. 


The Prompt will be :

It is Difficult to Belong.

You will write at least one paragraph AGREEING with this prompt.

You will write at least one paragraph DISAGREEING with this prompt. 

You will use ideas from the films Edward Scissorhands and Billy Elliot, and a teacher supplementary or your own supplementary in this essay. 

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Check the VOCABULARY at the beginning of this Learning Bite.

You will be able to use some of this language and the ideas in


The Prompt will be :

It is Difficult to Belong.

You will write at least one paragraph AGREEING with this prompt.

You will write at least one paragraph DISAGREEING with this prompt. 

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Identity and Belonging 

Task 1 :Discuss and write about all the influences that have shaped you.

What makes you 'you'?

Task 2 : Create a mind map with your name in the centre – include arrows to all the influences or in any form you like - SEE a simple EXAMPLE in RESOURCES below.

that have influenced you. 

Consider the following :

Family - hobbies - appearance - age - gender - groups you belong to

- things you like and don't like - what else? 

Task 3 : Create a scrapbook – or power point - or film (submit WITHIN

the next 2 weeks or before the end of term whichever comes first)

Make it amazing and you can include ideas other than the ones below.


Include ANY of the following and ADD more ideas if you want to

explore this idea of ‘self’ further.

Photographs from past and present. Position a photograph of

yourself as a child and place a current photograph of yourself next

to it.

Family – What are your family’s values? What is approved of and

what is frowned upon? How has your family influenced you? 

Ask a family member to write a brief paragraph about you as a child and, now as a teenager.

What changes have they noticed? Which family member do you most look like or take after?

Are friends more influential now than they were when you were in primary school? Why?

Write a paragraph about yourself as you think others see you in the present. Write this in the third

person – She is tall and often bossy…. (me writing about myself!!!) 

Or ask a friend to write about you. Ask them to be kind and honest.

Include images of favourite music, food, movies, games, fashion, places, sport and other ‘stuff’ that you like.

Include images of the things that you do not like –  boredom, political beliefs, places, irritating

behaviour, some types of food or music...

Pivotal Events :

Consider pivotal events that have changed you or made you aware of who you really are and

what you believe in. This is a tricky one. I realised that life has its pivotal moments when I was a child.

Pivotal events can be small things or big but they make an impact. 

They can be events that don’t happen to you directly but affect you, even world events.


Your achievements - Judo? Scouts? Sport? Winning a competition or participating in it?

Being a good friend? What else?


Write about how technology in your generation has made you different from your grandparents' era. 

Consider the item in resources : Generation Z. 

(Check out the Criteria in Evidence of Assessment)

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