Touching the Void: the different types of survival- part one (intro to text and to notetaking while viewing)

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: NDE at 3/09/2013 4:49:09 PM
Create a table on your netbook or on paper with three rows for emotional, social and physical survival to take notes while watching the film.
Watcht he film. Stop it to take notes at relevant parts that allow you to fill out your table

Write a paragraph on how you feel you would cope emotionally, socailly and physically in some of the situation the climbers in the film face.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: NDE at 3/09/2013 4:51:12 PM
Re-visit previous discussion on examples of different types of survival (emotional, social, physical) and set up a table on the board with three rows for each type of survival and a large area to include examples from the film under each heading.
Play the film stopping at points where the teacher and student believe are important for finding examples of physical, emotional, social survival. Discuss these scnes, teacher writes notes on board and students copy.
Before the end of the lesson stop the film to add in more notes from scenes watched. Discuss how the example relateto the overall context of survival. Discuss how students would react in the same situations as the characters in the film.