The Gettysburg address and note-taking on the film for essay writing (Remember The Titans)

Reason For Learning

Students will review note-taking on themes and be introduced to the essay topic.

Learning Intention

Students will continue to take notes in an informed way related to the essay topic.

Key Vocabulary Terms

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ACELA1545 Level 8

Analyse and examine how effective authors control and use a variety of clause structures, including clauses embedded within the structure of a noun group/phrase or clause

ACELA1548 Level 8

Investigate how visual and multimodal texts allude to or draw on other texts or images to enhance and layer meaning

ACELT1626 Level 8

Explore the ways that ideas and viewpoints in literary texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts may reflect or challenge the values of individuals and groups

ACELY1732 Level 8

Analyse and evaluate the ways that text structures and language features vary according to the purpose of the text and the ways that referenced sources add authority to a text