Metals and Metallic bonding

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 23/04/2017 3:33:36 PM

Task 1

Review this bitesize and note down the key differences between metals and non-metals. Complete the bitesize test to check your understanding.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 23/04/2017 3:33:49 PM

Task 2

Properties of metals, non-metals and metaloids

Review the following PowerPoint presentation add any further information about the properties of metal and non metals and summarise the properties for metaloids.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 23/04/2017 4:03:09 PM

Task 3 Metallic Bonding Video

Watch the following video and answer these questions:

In metallic bonding, the electrons are delocalised around the protons. What does this mean?

How do the delocalised electrons explain the properties of metals (good conductors of heat and electricity, ductile, malleable)




Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 26/04/2017 11:38:20 AM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 23/04/2017 4:05:26 PM

Here is an more advanced video that can furher your understanding but it refers to the more complex quantum description of electronic configuration

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 23/04/2017 4:13:39 PM

Task 4 - Science Year 10 text

To complete your understanding, read Chapter 4.3 "Bonding" of the Year 10 text (p 120 - 127). This includes an introduction to covalent bonding, your next topic to cover. Read the text and complete question 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22. Now complete the Model building activity on Page 128 of the text book.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: WGOO at 7/05/2017 4:05:31 PM

Task 5

Research the question "What is an alloy?" and use the "sea of electrons" model to describe the structure of a metal alloy.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 23/04/2017 3:27:43 PM

Displaying the properties of metals

Choose on of three categories: metals, non-metals and metalloids.

As a team, you will need to demonstrate the properties of materials in your category using scientific terminology using an 'ILLUSTRATED WORD'. This should be high quality work as it will be put on display!



Example - oil


Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 23/04/2017 3:40:06 PM

Try this after you have researched both Covalent and Metallic bonding

Who wants to be a millionaire quiz

Complete the following who wants to be a millionaire quiz individually, to determine who can progress to  the furthest question.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ili at 21/07/2014 9:36:33 PM

Answer the following questions

1. Name four metals

2. List four properties of metals. 

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: TKH at 14/06/2015 4:17:38 PM

Research Task

Students research the characteristics of metals. They then produce a set of digital images that exemplify these characteristics. Can be put together in Word, Powerpoint, these are then shown to the class.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: TKH at 14/06/2015 3:59:11 PM

Research Task 2

Go to the following website and choose a metal that you are interested in. Prepare a fact sheet about your chosen metal which includes the following: 

1. Chemical symbol

2. Atomic number

3. Melting point and boiling point

4. Appearance

5. Uses

6. Other interesting facts 

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: wgoo at 8/05/2017 2:21:19 PM