Unit 3 - Contemporary societal relationships

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Unlike historical relationships, we are able to understand some of the contemporary relationships with outdoor environments as they can be related to our own. 

There are four main types of interactions that are explored in this dot point:


Outdoor environments are used as venues where recreation can occur. Recreation can be classified as passive - low key, low impact activities such as photography, strolling and birdwatching. Or active -usually requiring physical exertion such as hiking, surfing and skiing. 


Conservational based relationships are based around protecting and restoring the environment. This can be done as individuals who donate or take positive action such as removing litter or tree planting. Or as organisations such as Landcare, The Wilderness Society and Parks Victoria. 


Combines both commercial and recreational interactions, this helps to meet people’s needs to experience natural environments, a profit can be made for commerce based companies. Outdoor environments/experiences are viewed as a commodity - something that can used for commercial value, to be packaged and sold e.g. Surf School's and guided tours.
Primary Industry
The natural environment is used  as resource and for profit. Primary industries provide resources for humans such as water, produce, power, timber and minerals. Commercial fishing, logging forests, the Wonthaggi desalination plant and alpine hydro-electricity operations are all great examples of primary industries. 

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JSA at 2/04/2015 12:26:30 AM

Attempt to answer the following:


Recreation is defined as a pastime, diversion, exercise or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment. And in regards to the human nature continuum the generalisation is that it is seen nature as a playground that is used for personal enjoyment. However this is not the case for everyone because personal expertise and knowledge will affect the relationship. Recreation can take four motives escape, mastery of skill, motivate others and gain mental stimulation. A recreationalist view will vary for each individual but it is here that we analyse the general relationship that society shares with the outdoor environment whilst they undertake recreational activities.

What do recreational users do in regards to the outdoor environment?

What effect to recreational users have on the environment?


Conservation is defined as the preservation or conserving of natural resources or areas or objects of cultural significance. In regards to the human nature relationship continuum conservationists see nature as being a museum or a temple and they care deeply for it. Conservationists work to protect the natural environment, they plant trees and fight to reduce the amount of damage humans are doing to the environment. Conservationists value the environment and are typically interested in the environment rather than personal gain. Many conservationists are members of groups dedicated to protecting the environment such as land care and planet ark. Conservation can take many forms and can be considered by every individual in their everyday life decisions.

What do we think conservationists do?

What effect to they have?


Tourism can be defined as people visiting areas to for recreation, leisure and business without the intention of staying there permanently. Australia has many natural tourist attractions including the 12 Apostles and the Great Barrier Reef and most people come to these places to see their beauty and experience the Australian environment first hand. In regards to the human nature relationship continuum tourists see the environment as both a playground and a museum and this depends on the individual. Tourism is very much influenced by how we portray the environment in the media and advertisements.

What does the tourism industry think about the environment?

What effect does the tourism industry have on the environment?

Primary industries

Primary industries work to harvest, grow and extract natural resources so that they can be used in everyday life. Farming, mining and quarries are all examples of Primary industries and they all have impacts on the natural environment. Primary industries understand the environment and how to sustain it whilst taking from it to better the lifestyles of humans and society. Primary industries are behind what we eat, wear and the houses we live in the majority of resources we use daily come from these industries. In contemporary society primary industries have the knowledge that the resources are not everlasting so they have now adopted a more conservationist approach to maintain sustainability and in turn productivity.

What do Primary Industries think about the environment?

What do Primary Industries do about the environment?

What effect does Primary Industry have upon the environment?

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: jsa at 16/04/2015 9:04:42 AM

View and make notes on the following presenations.

Presentation One


Presentation Two


Presentation Three


Presentation Four

Primary Industries

Presenation Five

Tourism Practices

Complete Learning Activity on Page 186