Research project on positive ways to overcome child exploitation.

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Understanding UNICEF :

In Brazil, UNICEF and its partners brought working children back to school and
introduced activities to complement their education, promote family and community 
participation and organize courses on citizenship for children, adolescents and families. 
UNICEF also supported the creation of the Parliamentarian Front for the Rights of
Children and Adolescents, which monitors legislation affecting children.

In Nepal, UNICEF is working to increase parents’ awareness of the harmful effects of child labour through Parenting Education initiative and to give children between the ages of three and five a safe, encouraging place to learn and play in community-based child development centres.


What do the letters UNICEF stand for? (in the vocabulary section of this learning bite)

What other initiatives have been created for children? For example, the The Save the Children Fund - their slogan, 'We save children's rights. We fight for their rights. We help them realise their potential'.


Create a poster or Power Point urging the community to help organisations or to donate to children abroad in difficult circumstances.

Consider some of the following :

ways we can stop e-waste ending up in disadvantaged countries

donations and charity functions

raising awareness in the school and community of conditions for children

any other ideas? 


Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 6/11/2014 4:16:32 PM


Understanding UNICEF : 

In Brazil, UNICEF and its partners brought working children back to school and
introduced activities to complement their education, promote family and community 
participation and organize courses on citizenship for children, adolescents and families. 
UNICEF also supported the creation of the Parliamentarian Front for the Rights of
Children and Adolescents, which monitors legislation affecting children.

In Nepal, UNICEF is working to increase parents’ awareness of the harmful effects of child labour through Parenting Education initiative and to give children between the ages of three and five a safe, encouraging place to learn and play in community-based child development centres.


What do the letters UNICEF stand for? (in the vocabulary section of this learning bite)

What other initiatives have been created for children? For example, the The Save the Children Fund - their slogan, 'We save children's rights. We fight for their rights. We help them realise their potential'.


Create a poster or Power Point urging the community to help organisations or to donate to children abroad in difficult circumstances.

Consider some of the following :

ways we can stop e-waste ending up in disadvantaged countries

donations and charity functions

raising awareness in the school and community of conditions for children

any other ideas? 

 You may watch :

for further ideas about working conditions for children in other countries.