Analysing Opinionative Writing

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 3/12/2013 12:07:35 PM
Read the article on homelessness/poverty issues

Provide full sentence answers on the following and submit to your teacher.

What is the issue of the piece (phrase this as a ‘should question’ e.g. “should governments do more to curb homelessness?)

What is the writer’s overall opinion? (this is known as a contention and can be phrased by making a statement that answers the should question above, e,g, ‘they should and can do more")

How would you describe the general feeling/tone of the piece? (build a vocab list for the basic words you come up with, e.g. if you believe the tone is angry, come up with other words, such as aggressive)

Who would the target audience be? (the five factors that usually determine target audience are: Age, socioeconomic status, occupation, gender, interests) and why? Look at where the article was published.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 3/12/2013 12:09:36 PM
Read the article on homelessness/poverty issues together as a class

What is the issue of the piece (phrase this as a ‘should question’ e.g. “should more be done to curb homelessness?)

What is the writer’s overall opinion? (explain that this is known as a contention and can be phrased by making a statement that answers the should question above, e,g, ‘more cna and should be done')

How would you describe the general feeling/tone of the piece? (build a vocab list as a class from the basic words students come up with, e.g. if students believe the tone is angry, come up with other words, such as aggressive)

Who would the target audience be? (explain the five factors that usually determine target audience. Age, socioeconomic status, occupation, gender, interests) and why? Look at where the article was published.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: CTR at 4/09/2014 4:29:35 PM

Writing a Media Analysis Essay 

We will now put what we've worked out (in terms of contention and tone) into a media analysis essay.  


Start with some background info on the issue (which can be gained from the homelessness/poverty article from previous bite) title of article, author, place of publication.

Use the below formula:

(Writer’s surname) contends in an (insert adjectives here) tone that (insert contention here). He seeks to convince (insert target audience) to agree with this contention.

Email your teacher your fully constructed introduction paragraph.

Home Learning:

Keep working on your introductions