Intro to Free Verse Poetry

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What is Free Verse Poetry? Read the following handout with examples of Free Verse Poems and then create your own piece of Free Verse poetry based on what you've read.

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What is Free Verse Poetry?

The Simple Gift is written as a collection of interrelated poems that tell a story. They are written in a style know as Free Verse. This form of writing is often free from the normal rules of poetry. The writer decides how their poems should look, feel, and sound without having to necessarily abide by certain writing conventions.

The poet may choose to include some rhyming words but the poem does not have to rhyme. A Free Verse poem may be just a sentence that is artistically laid out on the page or it can be pages of words. Some forms of free verse separate, or split, phrases and words between lines. Punctuation may be absent or it may be used to place greater emphasis on specific words. Lines can also be shortened for speed, or segmented into clots of words or syllables to slow down reading.

The main object of Free Verse is to use colourful words, punctuation, and word placement to convey meaning to the reader. Free verse poetry will often make use of visual and sound effects. This style of poetry became popular and acceptable during the 20th century, although scattered examples of the style were found previously.

Activity 1: Each student is to read through the three examples of free verse poetry on PowerPoint and annotate examples of the principles of Free Verse Poetry.

Activity 2. Students are to search for examples of free verse poetry that appeal to them on the internet or in poetry books.

Activity 3: Students are to share these poems in groups, explaining why they have been chosen.

Activity 4: Students are to write their own Free Verse poetry.

Activity 5: Students are to read their poems aloud to the class.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 18/12/2014 11:57:28 AM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 18/12/2014 12:02:44 PM