Survival Theme: Famous Australian Explorers

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: NDE at 8/12/2013 3:34:48 PM

1. Brainstorm a list of famous Australian explorers. If you can't think of any, research the following: Mawson, The First Fleet, Burke and Wills, Captain Cook, Able Tasman.

2. Choose one example from point 1 to analyse:

  • Overview of Exploration: Who? What? When? Why? Key moments? Outcome?
  • Primary Source Analysis: Find at least 3 primary sources that provide an insight into the event as well as the experiences of people that might be involved.
  • Secondary Source Analysis: Find 3 quotes/information from various secondary sources that provide an insight into the event as well as the experiences of people that might be involved. Books, film, art etc.
  • A discussion of survival: What lengths were taken by the exploreres to ensure physical, emotional and social survival?

3. Compile your information into a PowerPoint Presentation and present it to a familt member or friend.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: NDE at 8/12/2013 3:31:01 PM

1. Take class through a brief introduction of famous Australian exploration events. Come up with a list as a class on the board (eg. Mawson, The First Fleet, Burke and Wills, Captain Cook, Able Tasman etc.)

2. Split class into gorups of 4. Each group is to focus on Australian Exploration (from the above examples or their own):

  • Overview of Exploration: Who? What? When? Why? Key moments? Outcome?
  • Primary Source Analysis: Find at least 3 primary sources that provide an insight into the event as well as the experiences of people that might be involved.
  • Secondary Source Analysis: Find 3 quotes/information from various secondary sources that provide an insight into the event as well as the experiences of people that might be involved. Books, film, art etc.
  • A discussion of survival: What lengths were taken by the exploreres to ensure physical, emotional and social survival?

3. Compile your information into a PowerPoint Presentation with fellow classmates covering the same topic to be presented next lesson.