The Simple Gift: planning a text response: authorial choices and their effect on reader

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 4/12/2013 1:13:01 PM

a) Look at page 106 of the text and read the following passage “Through the use of this metaphor Herrick is showing that Billy is invading Caitlin’s thoughts as she falls deeply for him. Thus, Herrick uses metaphor to explore romantic love in the text.” Identify the metaphor that the above passage is analysing and write it down.

b) Look at page 70 of The Simple Gift and read the metaphor “and me a badly-dressed satellite spinning crazily in her orbit” Try writing a couple of sentences to explain what you think Herrick is saying about the effect Billy is having on Caitilin’s life.

c) Now find another metaphor (or simile) in the text and do the same for this.

Submit work to your teacher.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 4/12/2013 1:13:43 PM

Students turn to page 106. The teacher reads the analysis then students find the metaphor he/she is reading about.

Students then find another metaphor or simile in text. Do an example anlaysis on board, then students find a third metaphor/simile to write up their own analysis of.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 4/12/2013 1:14:15 PM

Create a text response essay question, then a paragraph topic sentence that relates to techniques being used to explore ideas.

Then, using work students have done in Part A, create an analytical paragraph on the board.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: rgoo at 4/12/2013 1:18:36 PM
Students now need to locate examples of repetition used by Herrick and discuss with a partner what effect these have on the reader. Finish lesson with a class discussion on this.