Independent writing about characters and themes in film (Remember The Titans)

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 1/05/2014 9:27:50 PM

Main Characters :

Review main characters :

Herman Boone (Denzel Washington): The African American Coach
Bill Yoast (Will Patton): The white coach that was the head coach but must now accept Boone – at the beginning he clashes with Boone
Gerry Bertier (Ryan Hurst): The player who was opposed to African Americans joining their team and was antagonistic at first to Coach Boone – Gerry is captain and ended up in an accident
Julius Campbell (Wood Harris): The African American player who clashes with Gerry at the beginning of the film
Jerry "Rev" Harris (Craig Kirkwood): Is welcoming to Loui Lastic, the only white man who wants to be on their team
Louie Lastik (Ethan Suplee): The big guy who coach Boone wanted to help with his exams, has low self-esteem, but is not racist at all.
Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass (Kip Pardue): The man who kisses Gerry!

Ray Budds (Burgess Jenkins) : Antagonist to African Americans and a friend of Gerry at the beginning of the film.

Cheryl Yoast (Hayden Penatierre) Coach Yoast's daughter


For more information use link -

POWER POINT (already viewed but may be viewed again)

Selection of slides with questions about character development and themes of leadership and team work.




How does Boone try to integrate the team during the camp? Does this demonstrate his leadership skills?

Why is Ray so antagonistic? Provide examples.

How are the conflicts eased during the camp?

Which characters begin to change their attitudes?

Why is it so important that Gerry and Julius work together?

What is the clash and conflict that all team members, especially the African Americans must confront when they go to the integrated school?


VIEW clip for Julius and Gerry's confrontation about LEADERSHIP :



Write a paragraph on one of the themes and use examples from the film to support your ideas.

Base your paragraph on one of the following topics :

1. Coach Boone is able to overcome disunity and discrimination by the end of the film.

2. Gerry is able to understand why he was so racist at the beginning of the film.

3. Unity is important in team work.

4. Leadership is the most important element of success for the Titans.

OR do you have a different topic you wish to write on?

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 15/04/2014 8:05:34 PM




Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 3/05/2014 9:21:40 PM

1. Review - what can you write about the following characters from your memory of the film?

Herman Boone  : The African American Coach
Bill Yoast  : The white coach that was the head coach but must now accept Boone – at the beginning he clashes with Boone
Gerry Bertier  : The player who was opposed to African Americans joining their team and was antagonistic at first to Coach Boone – Gerry is captain  
Julius Campbell : The African American player who clashes with Gerry at the beginning of the film
Jerry "Rev" Harris  : Is welcoming to Loui Lastic, the only white man who wants to be on their team
Louie Lastik  : The only white 'guy' on the team and who coach Boone wanted to help with his exams, has low self-esteem, but is not racist at all.
Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass : The man who kisses Gerry!

Ray Budds  : Antagonist to African Americans and a friend of Gerry at the beginning of the film.

Cheryl Yoast : Coach Yoast's daughter


CONFLICTS : 20 minutes of writing on the following :

How does Boone try to integrate the team during the camp? Does this demonstrate his leadership skills?

Why is Ray so antagonistic? Provide examples.

How are the conflicts eased during the camp?

Which characters begin to change their attitudes?

Why is it so important that Gerry and Julius work together?

What is the clash and conflict that all team members, especially the African Americans must confront when they go to the integrated school?

 3. Share your ideas with the class 4. Continue film viewing and note taking :Have you recorded important changes in the film and used quotes?