What makes you 'you' (Generation Z)

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 25/06/2014 8:33:01 PM

Start working on your :

WHAT MAKES YOU 'YOU' assignment.

Include ANY of the following and ADD more ideas if you want to explore this idea of ‘self’ further.

 *Photos from past and present

*Family – What are your family’s values? What is approved of and what is frowned upon? How has your family influenced you? 

 *Are friends more influential now than they were when you were in primary school? Why?

*Write a paragraph about yourself as you think others see you in the present. Write this in the third person – She is tall and often bossy…. (me writing about myself!!!)

*Ask a family member to write a brief paragraph about you as a child and, now as a teenager. What changes have they noticed? 

*Images of favourite music, food, movies, games, fashion, places and other ‘stuff’ that you like.

 *Images of the things that you do not like – this may include cruelty, boredom, political beliefs, places, irritating behaviour – OR just write about this.

*Pivotal events that have changed you or made you aware of who you really are and what you believe in.


*Your achievements.


Write about how technology in your generation has made you different from your grandparents' era. 

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 21/11/2013 9:54:50 AM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 25/06/2014 8:32:00 PM

TASK 1 : Read the resource GENERATION Z.

Write a reply - to what extent does this describe YOU?To what extent is this accurate in describing your generation - generally?Continue to create a scrapbook - either digital or hard copy or a film.

TASK 2 : Look at the student samples in Resources below.

These will help you create your PowerPoint or hard copy assignment exploring your identity and 'WHAT MAKES YOU 'YOU'?!' 

TASK 3 - If you have time make sure you read through the assignment below AGAIN and know what is expected of you.

Negotiate with your teacher when you will be able to present this to class!

WHAT MAKES YOU ‘YOU’? This was introduced in previous learning bite but you may have time to add to this today.

Include ANY of the following and ADD more ideas if you want to explore this idea of ‘self’ further.

 *Photos from past and present

*Family – What are your family’s values? What is approved of and what is frowned upon? How has your family influenced you? 

 *Are friends more influential now than they were when you were in primary school? Why?

*Write a paragraph about yourself as you think others see you in the present. Write this in the third person – She is tall and often bossy…. (me writing about myself!!!)

*Ask a family member to write a brief paragraph about you as a child and, now as a teenager. What changes have they noticed? 

*Images of favourite music, food, movies, games, fashion, places and other ‘stuff’ that you like.

 *Images of the things that you do not like – this may include cruelty, boredom, political beliefs, places, irritating behaviour – OR just write about this.

*Pivotal events that have changed you or made you aware of who you really are and what you believe in.


*Your achievements.


Write about how technology in your generation has made you different from your grandparents' era. 



Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 26/05/2014 1:14:42 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 26/05/2014 1:17:58 PM