Organising ideas for the text response in the appropriate structure.

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 9/09/2014 9:02:37 PM




Frankie’s father says, ‘There are some things in life ya can’t do nothing about’ when Frankie is worried about Rory Collins’ brutal treatment of Mickey.

Does Robert Newton’s novel only support the view that life is unfair and unjust?



T – Topic sentence – the first sentence of your body paragraph

E – Exploration or discussion of ideas related to the topic sentence

E – Evidence – use quotes and key incidents to support your discussion.

How will you be assessed? See CRITERIA in LEARNING BITE 28

Need extra help?  See DIFFERENTIATION - EXTRA HELP section of this BITE.


Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 9/09/2014 8:58:05 PM



Frankie’s father says, ‘There are some things in life ya can’t do nothing about’ when Frankie is worried about Rory Collins’ brutal treatment of Mickey.

Does Robert Newton’s novel only support the view that life is unfair and unjust?

Introduction :  

Robert Newton's novel, The Black Dog Gang, set at the turn of the century in the poverty stricken area of the Rocks, Sydney, shows that life can be unjust for the poor. (add a bit more for example women and children had no rights, men had to work long hours – anything else? etc) However, through the determination, good luck and loyalty, many problems are overcome. While life is not perfect, in many ways justice is achieved by the close of the novel.


Topic sentence : There are many problems at the beginning of the novel. Mickey is bullied by his father Rory Collins (find a quote). Frankie tries to help him but he is powerless. (find a quote) (Complete the paragraph with at least two more problems – for example who gets the plague and why does Frankie feel so guilty? Why is Frankie so afraid of George Johnson?)



Topic sentence : Yet with some luck and good friends, some of this is overcome. Frankie accidentally sees Mr Hardcastle at Mrs Donegan’s house and uses this to blackmail him. (what is the outcome?) The Black Dog Gang is formed and this helps the boys to feel strong and brave. (how does this help Gordie?) (How does Mickey find a way to leave so he isn’t jailed for killing his father? What else happens that is a relief to Frankie?) USE QUOTES to support your ideas.



Conclusion : Overall, life in Sydney in the 1900’s was tough for the poor. The plague caused much fear and working conditions were harsh. There were no social services or pensions. Yet…..(complete this in at least two more sentences)




Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 9/09/2014 8:55:43 PM


Frankie’s father says, ‘There are some things in life ya can’t do nothing about’ when Frankie is worried about Rory Collins’ brutal treatment of Mickey.

Does Robert Newton’s novel only support the view that life is unfair and unjust?



T – Topic sentence – the first sentence of your body paragraph

E – Exploration or discussion of ideas related to the topic sentence

E – Evidence – use quotes and key incidents to support your discussion.