Scandals in the media - structuring a written point of view (to be added to scandals for extra help)

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 4/11/2013 2:05:34 PM


1. Write your views on the issue of whether or not parents should have the right to hit their child to discipline them.

2. View one scene from the controversial scene in The Slap.

3. Have you changed or modified your views?

Written or ORAL presentation

You don't have much time so choose an issue you are interested in so you will need to work quickly.

Did you gain some information from the previous class?

Have you discussed ideas with your parents or friends?

What hot topics are in the news at present?

Discuss ideas with parents and friends.

STRUCTURE - make sure you leave a space between paragraphs.

Introduction :

BACKGROUND - has the issue been in the media for a long time?

Is it complicated or divisive? This means are there two sides?

What is your main contention?


What is one supporting argument for your main contention?

ARGUMENT 2 and 3



You may work with a partner or independently but you need to develop ideas independently first.

You may be a character, for example, if you are arguing for banning solariums you may be a nurse or doctor.

If you are arguing about the dangers of drink driving you may be a parent whose child has been injured or a driver who has harmed other people and feels remorseful.

You may use a humorous approach but this can be challenging.

Some topics to consider : find more that you are interested in.

1. Mobile phones should not be used while driving.

2. Motorists should be more courteous to cyclists and pedestrians.

3. The drinking age should be raised to 21.

4. Holidays should be longer.

Present your ideas at home for feedback.


Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 27/10/2013 9:51:26 AM





It would be great if some students who feel strongly about a current issue could write a letter to the editor. This can be done in class independently or collaboratively, or with the teacher's assistance.

Letters that address an important issue are often published.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 27/09/2014 5:58:28 PM


1. Write your views on the issue of whether or not parents should have the right to hit their child to discipline them.

2. View one scene from the controversial scene in The Slap.

3. Have you changed or modified your views? Why?

Written argument or Point of View

You don't have much time so choose an issue you are interested in so you will need to work quickly.

Did you gain some information from the previous class?

Have you discussed ideas with your parents or friends?

What hot topics are in the news at present?

Discuss ideas with parents and friends.


Introduction :

BACKGROUND - has the issue been in the media for a long time?

Is it complicated or divisive? This means are there two sides?

What is your main contention?


What is one supporting argument for your main contention?

ARGUMENT 2 and 3


Point Of View or Letter to the Editor : 

You need to develop ideas independently first.

You may be a character, for example, if you are arguing for banning solariums you may be a nurse or doctor.

If you are arguing about the dangers of drink driving you may be a parent whose child has been injured or a driver who has harmed other people and feels remorseful.

Some topics to consider : find more that you are interested in.

1. Mobile phones should not be used while driving.

2. Motorists should be more courteous to cyclists and pedestrians.

3. The drinking age should be raised to 21.

4. Holidays should be longer.

5. Justin Beiber is a poor role model.

6. Puppy Farms should be closed down.

What is a current news scandal? See resources below.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 27/09/2014 6:00:50 PM