A focus on how to develop characters in your short story : characterisation

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 24/03/2014 7:43:35 PM

Watch film clip from LORD OF THE RINGS


Gollum as he changes.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep0t0sK6MGw

Discuss the changes as you view the film.

Why does his character change?

Is it as simple as a character who changes from good to evil or is he more complicated?

Why is this character so interesting?

Gollum refers to himself as"we". This could be a reference to the ring and Gollum, or the "we" refers to Sméagol and Gollum. Which do you think works best or is it good that it can be either?


Who is the protagonist? List his characteristics and contrast him to Gollum.



Compile a list of your favourite characters from novels or short stories you have read.

Bring an extract into class. (some classes have already done this)


STUDENT GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL WORK - creating your own short story

Have you been working on creating your own a short story?

Create a character profile for at least one of your characters. Perhaps this could be the main character.






Write a description of at least one character in your short story and find a picture from Google images or newspapers that best fits your character.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 24/03/2014 7:58:45 PM


Lili Wilkinson - a visiting author of many novels for young adults, mentioned that Harry Potter and Katniss are engaging characters because they are motivated by emotions we all share.

Both Harry and Katniss seek to protect loved ones.

Both risk their lives to do this.

Have you read JK Rowling's series on Harry Potter? Why do you think this character is so engaging?

Have you read The Hunger Games? Is Katniss' character interesting and engaging? Why? 


Other Advice?

Lili advises that to extend your story 'throw more rocks' at the main character.

What does this mean?

It means you make life more complicated for them! Give your main character a goal and then make their journey to that goal unpredictable or difficult.

Have a reward at the end - we all like stories that reward good characters for their efforts.

However, not all stories have happy endings so this is entirely up to you. 


Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 24/03/2014 7:53:03 PM

Watch film clip from LORD OF THE RINGS


The character of Smeagol into Gollum.

Discuss the changes as you view the film.

Why does his character change?

Is it as simple as a character who changes from good to evil or is he more complicated?

Why is this character so interesting?

Gollum refers to himself as"we". This could be a reference to the ring and Gollum, or the "we" refers to Sméagol and Gollum. Which do you think works best or is it good that it can be either?


Who is the protagonist in Lord of the Rings? List his characteristics and contrast him to Gollum.

What is the protagonist like in your war story? 



Compile a list of your favourite characters from novels or short stories you have read.

Bring an extract into class. (some classes have already done this)


STUDENT GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL WORK - characterisation in your own short story.

How is  your own a short story progressing? Remember it must be based on any research you have done in the war unit and you need to include a bibliography.

Create a character profile for at least one of your characters. Perhaps this could be the main character.






Write a description of at least one character and find a picture from Google images or newspapers that best fits your character or create an image.


CHECK the resource below - a list of positive and negative adjectives describing personality - choose five from each list to describe yourself.

Remember to use some of these words to describe characters in your own writing.

Look up words you don't understand and find out their meaning.

Can you add words that begin with the letter 'Z'? (zany)

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 18/01/2014 5:51:23 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: JCA at 18/01/2014 5:52:09 PM