Problem solving and conflict resolution

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 27/07/2013 5:39:31 PM
  • Discuss a conflict situation in which you were involved in and how you managed to resolve it.
  • Take the Conflict Management Style Quiz and establish which style best suits you.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 28/07/2013 4:34:04 PM
  • Watch the following video ''In The Mix: Conflict Resolution - Thinking It Through''
  • Open a Word Document and title it "Conflict Resolution questions", Copy and paste the questions and then answer the following questions.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 28/07/2013 4:41:52 PM


1. In your own words what is conflict?





Why is it important to learn about conflict resolution?





3. What were the 3 key words used in the video when asked ‘’how do you handle conflict?’’

- A __ __ __ __
- C __ __ F __ __ __ T
- P __ __ __ __ __ M S __ __ __ E

4. Open and read Page 7 of the Document “6 Steps for Resolving Conflicts
- What are the 6 steps?

Step 1. ____________________     Step 2. _____________________

Step 3. ____________________      Step 4. _____________________

Step 5. ____________________      Step 6. _____________________

- Which step do you think is the most important step in Resolving Conflicts? Explain why.






5. Why is it important to be a good communicator when dealing with conflicts? And what does it take to be a good communicator?







5. The video discussed 3 ways in which you can show someone that you are listening, what were they?

          - F __ __ __ __ L E __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ S
           - F__ __ __ B__ __ __
           - A T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 28/07/2013 10:55:58 PM
Create a Conflict Resolution Poster  (Idea's can be found on Google Images)

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 28/07/2013 6:14:53 PM

Conflict Resolution Activities

Here is a list of five to ten minute activities that are intended to promote positive community-building. In all activities, students should have the opportunity to pass if they so desire.

A. Anger Ball-Toss
Find a soft ball. Have the class stand in a circle. Begin by completing the sentence, "I feel angry when ..." Ask for a volunteer who is willing to restate what you just said. Toss that student the ball. That student restates what you said, then completes the sentence for herself. She then tosses the ball to someone else, who repeats what she said, then completes the sentence for himself, and so on.

B. Feelings Check-ln
Pass out markers and 5x8 index cards. Ask each student to write on the card in large letters one word that describes how he or she is feeling right now. Then ask students to hold up their cards and look at the variety of responses. Point out how rare it is for different people to bring the same feelings to an experience or situation. Invite students to share why they wrote down the words that they did.

C. I Represent Conflict
Place yourself in the middle of the room and say, "Imagine that I represent conflict. Think about how you usually react when you experience a conflict personally or witness a conflict happening nearby. Then place yourself, in relation to me, somewhere in the room in a way that indicates your first response to conflict or disagreement. Think about your body position, the direction that you're facing, and the distance from conflict."
Once students have found a position relative to you in the room, ask individuals to explain why they are standing where they are. You might also want to ask, "If this represents your first reaction, what might your second reaction be, after thinking about the conflict.

      D. "What Would You Do ...?"
Go around the group asking each student to respond to this question: "If you saw a fight starting in the street between two people you didn't know at all, what would you do?"

E. "When I'm in a Conflict..."
Go around the group, asking each student to complete the sentence, "When I get into a conflict, I usually ..."