Unit 3 - Bonding in Hydrocarbons;homologous series, Isomers & Naming

Reason For Learning

Over seven million compounds containing carbon are known, with more being discovered or created constantly. Carbon compounds exhibit an enormous range of properties, allowing us to develop materials for applications such as fuels, fibres, plastics, detergents, dyes, paints, pharmaceuticals, perfumes and insecticides. Carbon compounds also form the basis of every living cell in all living organisms.

Learning Intention

After completing this learning bite you will be able to: explain the nature of the chemical bonds formed between carbon atoms. explain the nature of the chemical bonds formed between carbon atoms and other elements. identify functional groups and explain their influence on the physical and chemical properties of carbon compounds. explain and provide examples of structural isomers. name a range of carbon compounds using systematic nomenclature protocols.

Key Vocabulary Terms

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