Geometry: Are these shapes the same?

Reason For Learning

If two shapes are drawn in different scales, how could you tell if they were the same? This learning bite provides important information about how to tell if two shapes are the same or similar. This knowledge can help you to simplify complex geometry problems in order to solve them more easily.

Learning Intention

Definitions of 'congruent' as shapes with the same side lengths and same angle sizes (between corresponding sides and angles). This bite should link to 'similarity' as congruence is a special case of similarity.

Key Vocabulary Terms

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ACMMG200 Level 8

Define congruence of plane shapes using transformations

ACMMG201 Level 8

Develop the conditions for congruence of triangles

ACMMG220 Level 9

Use the enlargement transformation to explain similarity and develop the conditions for triangles to be similar

ACMMG221 Level 9

Solve problems using ratio and scale factors in similar figures

ACMMG243 Level 10

Formulate proofs involving congruent triangles and angle properties

ACMMG244 Level 10

Apply logical reasoning, including the use of congruence and similarity, to proofs and numerical exercises involving plane shapes