Week 3/4

Reason For Learning

Learning Intention

This is what we will be covering this week and next. Friday/Tuesday Regional influences on food production P25 Geography Religion Meal structure Traditional foods Sub Saharan Africa Ethiopia The Fertile crescent Tuesday The development of food cultures continues P32 The Mediterranean. Euaraisa India. Tuesday Understanding the text 11-20 p31. Thursday Cooking Teff pancakes (SAC) Friday Activity Tasting different corn products (part of Outcome 1) Write a comparative food-testing analysis in class and home learning The outline for your SAC is as follows You will need to . Do a production plan BEFORE you cook on Thursday the recipe is Bacon and cheese (Fritattas recipe attached) You will be assessed on. Personal Hygiene Selection of appropriate tools ans equipment for task Work bench management Skill ans safe use of knives Skill in preparation of vegetables Safe use of cook top and oven/grill Skill in cooking an egg and ancient grain dish Overall presentation of the garnisheed product Effective washing up and cleaning of work area Completion of the production work within the allocated timeframe.

Key Vocabulary Terms

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