Unit 4: Global health and human development

Reason For Learning

The study of human development provides a broad view of the wellbeing of a population. Sustainable human development ensures that improved levels of wellbeing can be maintained over time. There are many factors that interrelate to produce the high health status and human development standards that Australia enjoys. Many other people in the world, however, do not have the same level of good health and human development as Australians.

Learning Intention

• Characteristics of developed and developing countries, including high/ low mortality strata; • Definitions of sustainability (including elements of appropriateness, affordability and equity) and human development (including the human development index) according to the UN; • Similarities and differences in health status and human development between developing countries and Australia in relation to morbidity, mortality, life expectancy, burden of disease and human development index; • The influence on the health status of developing countries compared to Australia of income, gender equality, peace/ political stability, education, access to health care, global marketing (of alcohol, tobacco and fast/ processed foods) and physical environments;

Key Vocabulary Terms

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