Unit 4 - Calorimetry : Delta H calulations

Reason For Learning

Chemists often need to know if a chemical reaction is exothermic, (energy releasing) or endothermic, (energy absorbing). It is therefore important to learn about calorimetry so that we can measure energy changes in chemical reactions that occur in solution. Whether that is a normal or bomb calorimeter.

Learning Intention

After completing this learning bite students should be able to: Write and interpret thermochemical equations. perform calculations involving thermochemical equations. compare the specific heat capacity of common materials. perform calculations involving specific heat capacities. describe the procedure for the electrical calibration of a calorimeter and calculate a calibration factor from experimental data. explain how solution and bomb calorimetry can be used to determine energy changes of reactions. use calorimetry data to calculate delta H and heat of combustion.

Key Vocabulary Terms

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