Unit 2 - AOS 1- Oxidation and Reduction (Redox) reactions

Reason For Learning

Redox reactions are very common. The term oxidation was used to describe combining with oygen, but this de?nition has been expanded to describe any reaction in which electrons are transferred. An explosion is a very fast redox reaction. Redox chemistry is an important aspect of everyday life. Our bodies work by redox reactions — the food we eat is oxidised to enable us to obtain the energy we need to live. If we break a bone, electric currents generated around the damaged area are involved in the healing process. Redox chemistry is involved in the conduction of impulses in nerves. The batteries we use in radios, clocks, cars and calculators rely on spontaneous redox reactions. Many metals are extracted by reduction reactions. Municipal water supplies

Learning Intention

After completing this learning bite you will understand that: • the electron transfer between reductant and oxidant occurs during an oxidation–reduction reaction • oxidation numbers can be used to work out which reactant has been oxidised and which has been reduced • half-equations are the correct way to record changes • the reactivity of metals. • simple galvanic cells • electrochemical series of metals • corrosion of metals

Key Vocabulary Terms

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