How poets and song writers respond to war through song and poetry

Reason For Learning

Students will explore how songs and poetry are powerful ways to express ideas and responses to war.

Learning Intention

You will study how songs and poetry use language in powerful ways to express ideas about the war experience.

Key Vocabulary Terms

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ACDSEH027 Level 10

The nature of popular culture in Australia at the end of World War II, including music, film and sport

ACDSEH121 Level 10

Developments in popular culture in post-war Australia and their impact on society, including the introduction of television and rock ’n’ roll

ACELA1541 Level 8

Understand how conventions of speech adopted by communities influence the identities of people in those communities

ACELT1767 Level 8

Interpret and analyse language choices, including sentence patterns, dialogue, imagery and other language features, in short stories, literary essays and plays