How to wash clothes

Reason For Learning

Sooner or later you are going to have to learn how to wash your own clothes. You are going to have to learn how that big white box in the laundry works; you are going to have to understand what those symbols on the care labels on your clothes mean; and you will need to know just how much laundry detergent is really needed to get your clothes clean - too much will clog the washer and you'll need to get a repairman out.

Learning Intention

By the end of this Learning Bite, you will understand the need to know your clothes before you attempt to wash them - whether they can be dry cleaned, what material they are made of, the importance of sorting, the best method of drying and so on. You will be able to recognise the symbols on the care labels on your clothes and you will have the confidence to take responsibility for looking after your own gear.

Key Vocabulary Terms

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