Resources for "Time"

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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: HGA at 19/10/2016 9:24:01 AM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: HGA at 19/10/2016 9:24:49 AM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: HGA at 19/10/2016 9:27:39 AM
  1. What is a wormhole and how would it theoretically enable time travel to be possible
  2. How does the Grandfather Paradox lead Hawking to this conclusion of time travel?
  3. How would a blackhole help in travelling to the future
  4. Why would travelling at the speed of light allow you to travel in time

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: HGA at 19/10/2016 9:28:52 AM
  1. Group A and Group B debate
    1. Break into groups of 5, give each person an A or B theory must come up with at least 3 argument for this group, present to class. Vote for which ones we agree with more
    2. A theory – everything is in relation to the present
    3. B theory – there is no past, present, future
    4. Must find at least two philosophers to quote or use to support

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: HGA at 19/10/2016 9:31:00 AM