INVESTING - Property

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Revision - What is investing?

Investing means to put (money) into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit or return.

If we are to break this down, investing is using our money to make more money.

You can buy property such as houses… You can buy shares, which is to own a small part of a company… Or you could purchase and trade in commodities (such as gold or oil) or trade in foreign currency such as US dollars, or Euros.

TASK 1 – Read the following guide to investing in property

Some quick questions to answer

  1. Define the term “capital growth.”
  2. Define the term “rental return.”
  3. What is capital gains tax?
  4. What is negative gearing?

Research and investigation questions

  1. If you had $500,000, where would be the best place in Victoria to invest if you were looking for Capital Growth?
  2. If you had $500,000, where would be the best place in Victoria to invest if you were looking for rental return.