Unit 1 - Holiday Homework

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Preparing for Units 1 and 2 EAL at Templestowe College in 2015



Dear Students


You will soon begin Units 1 and 2 EAL – congratulations! You need to be fully aware of all the requirements. Time management is very important in Units 1 and 2 as you will have many important assessments in all your subjects – often in the same week.


You are expected to buy and read the novel ‘I’m Not Scared’ by Niccolo Ammaniti over the holidays.


You will also study a film, ‘Witness’ directed by Andrew Niccol. You are encouraged to watch this on DVD over the holidays.


If you have already got the Green Book and Blue Book, you must skim through and become familiar with both of them. You will also use these books in Unit 3 and 4 frequently. The Green Book is called ‘ESL English for Year 12 – Student Workbook’ and it is written by Melanie Napthine and Michael Daniel. You can buy the Green Book at good bookshops. The Blue Book is called ‘ESL Examination Language Task’ and it is written by Robert McGregor. The Blue Book is no longer in print. You can buy the Blue Book from this year’s Unit 3 and 4 students or the school will give you a photocopied copy.


Your teacher will give you other short texts during the year. You will not have to buy these.


We use our Netbooks a lot in EAL classes. Make sure your Netbook or your own personal computer is charged ready to use for every class.


Grammar is now largely your responsibility. Your writing will be corrected and main errors highlighted but you will be responsible for following up on your grammar weaknesses by referring to a grammar book such as Murphy or to good grammar websites which you will be directed to.


The course outline found in the Stretch Activities section below shows what we will be doing week by week. This course outline also shows the dates of assessments. Assessments include two speeches, two text response essays and other written pieces.


Next year, attendance and adherence to assessment rules and deadlines are important. Assessment rules include:


  • A student must ensure that all unacknowledged work submitted for assessment is genuinely his/her own.
  • A student must not receive undue assistance from another person in the preparation and submission for work.


Look in the Stretch Activities section to read more about persuasive language. 


Good luck.





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Below are some words that describe positive, negative and neutral tones.  Your task over the holidays is to memorise these words - to learn their meaning, how to say them, how to spell them.  You will need to use tone words when you are describing persuasive language.  There will be a test in the first or second week about these tone words.  cool


Positive tone words


  1. appreciative
  2. approving
  3. assured
  4. conciliatory
  5. enthusiastic
  6. exuberant
  7. lively
  8. optimistic
  9. respectful
  10. sympathetic
  11. confident
  12. humorous


Negative tone words

  1. aggressive
  2. angry
  3. arrogant
  4. bitter
  5. bullying
  6. disparaging
  7. hostile
  8. pessimistic
  9. threatening
  10. racist/sexist/ageist
  11. prejudiced
  12. mocking


Neutral tone words


  1. bland
  2. businesslike
  3. calm
  4. dispassionate
  5. formal
  6. forthright
  7. matter-of-fact
  8. official
  9. serious
  10. even-handed
  11. balanced
  12. authoritative



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