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Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 29/07/2013 6:50:47 PM
What is Contraception?
            Contraception occurs by either preventing the fertilization of an ovum (egg) by the sperm cell, or the prevention of implantation of the embryo (fertilized egg) into the lining of the uterus.

Why is it important to learn about contraception?
            - Provide rationale for teaching birth control/contraception - stress that there is not an assumption that students are sexually active.
            - Stress that factual information is critical to make healthy decisions now and in the future.

What are some different methods of contraception? List all the methods you have heard of, even if you don't think they are reliable.
            - List the methods identified by students on the board under the heading "Methods of Contraception". You may choose to group these into the following columns: homonal, barrier, spermicidal, natural, myth and other.
            - Ensure abstinence is included on this list. If students do not bring it up on their own, use questions to prompt them such as, "What is the only 100% effective method of contraception?"

Link to YouTube video: "Parents as Sexuality Educators: Teens and Contraceptions (View first 10:05mins of clip)
      - Ask students to write down the different types of Contraceptive methods and its effectiveness.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 29/07/2013 7:26:31 PM

Addiotional YouTube clip for students to view: "Teenagers and Contraception"
(Ask students to continue to write down facts and information about the different methods of Contraception.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 29/07/2013 9:38:41 PM
Using the following sites, design and develop a brochure/poster on what contraceptives are available, how they work, its effectiveness and costs. Be sure to include an introduction on what are contraceptives, as well as a section on where to find help and information.  

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: System at 23/05/2013 3:01:57 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 29/07/2013 8:37:53 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 29/07/2013 9:43:11 PM

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 29/07/2013 9:45:22 PM
Complete the survey and find out what contraceptive are you.

Edit   Delete - Last Modified By: ALO at 29/07/2013 10:02:35 PM
Contraceptive Heads: Give three students a contraceptive label, the students need to ask questions and work out what contraceptive they are. The other students respond with a yes/no.